For the sake of SAKE !
Sake Blog by Sachiko Koyama
Let me assure you that sushi and sake are natural companions as sake is made from rice. However, it can be very difficult to pair them more precisely for two reasons: 1. Different types of fish have a variety of flavors. 2. The strong flavor of soy sauce. Also, a skilled and knowledgeable Sushi chef changes the order in how to serve their sushi according to the guests' requirements or depending on what they can get from the fish market on the day. So, when asked to choose one bottle to pair throughout the course, I often choose Junmaishu served with different vessels at different temperatures. Also, there are a vast number of types in Junmaishu too. For example, the Junmaishu from Niigata prefecture, which is known as 'Tanreri Karakuchi'(light bodied and crisp dry), mitigates the fishiness and supports and enhances well, particularly with the type of fish called 'Hikarimono' (shiny fish), such as '〆(Shime))Saba'-pickled mackerel, horse mackerel, and Gizzard Shad. I sometimes recommend to drop some sake into a soy sauce plate to soften the strong flavors of the soy sauce for sake lovers. The most difficult one is tuna. For Akami (lean tuna), which contains iron, I would recommend a full-bodied type with high acidity such as Yamahai or Kimoto at Nurukan to Hitohada at a temperature 30-35℃. For fatty Chutoro or Ohtoro, a Genshu (undiluted) type with high alcohol content would create a good congruent pairing complementing the fat in the fish. Please see my tasting note for some of the recommended sake here. お酒と鮨は合わないわけがない。何故ならお酒はお米で出来ているから、、、のはずだが、意外とお酒と鮨をきちんとマリアージュするのは難しい。理由は2点。1.魚の種類によって随分と味わいが違う 2.お醤油は香りと味わいが強く、つけると全くの違った味わいになってしまう。また、お任せでもお寿司を出す順番はお店やその日の仕入れ、お客様の好みによっても違ってくるので、一貫目の光モノには合っていたが、2貫目のマグロの漬けには違うものの方が合うというようなことが起こる。よってお店でお任せのマリアージュを頼まれた時は純米酒で通すことが多かった。純米酒にも色々ある。新潟県を代表とする端麗辛口の純米酒は、鯵やこはだ、〆鯖などの光り物ねた独特の魚っぽい味わいや臭みを和らげて寄り添う。時には醤油自体に1-2滴日本酒を垂らして召し上がる事をお酒のお好きな方にはお勧めしたい。まぐろは一番難しい。特に赤身には独特の鉄分の味わいがある為、どっしりとした純米の山廃か生酛をぬる燗でおすすめしたい。油ののった中トロや大トロには、アルコール度が高めの純米原酒が脂の旨味に負けずに味を引き立てる。お寿司にお勧めの山廃や生酛系はTasting Noteはこちら↓ Sachiko KoyamaSSI International Kikizakeshi. Sake consultant and educator. IWC Sake judge. Sake blogger.
Nigori Sake ColadaSake + Fruits Japanese Sake is made with grains of rice. However, its scent is compared to numerous other things like wine. Its aroma is often designated with adjectives like ‘flowery’, ‘fruity’, ’nutty’ etc. A racy fragrance of premium Sake is called ‘Ginjo-ka,’ which is typically described with fruity smells like apple, banana and melon. This is because the flavor compounds of premium sake are the organic acids (ethyl caproate, and isoamyl acetate), which are also found in fruits. Hence, it is not surprising that Sake and fruits are natural companions. The great combination of oligosaccharide in Sake and vitamins in fruits would effectively get you through the hot summer. Frozen Nigori Sake Colada Nigori - Intrinsic flavor of Sake Normally, when the main mash (Moromi) is pressed, it is filtered through fine cotton Sake bags. Consequently, the finished sake looks almost transparent. For Nigori, the mas is deliberately filtered through a course meshed cloth or net in order to savor its yeastiness to the fullest. Therefore, it has a cloudy appearance and a pronounced taste of rice. So, go ahead with Nigori for replacing rum and coconuts milk and enjoy Piña colada with Japanese twist! Ingredients: Nigori Sake 100ml Pineapple Juice 25ml Coconuts Water 50ml Frozen Pineapple ¼ (Cut into cubes) Method: Shake Nigori bottle gently, and mix them all together in a blender before pouring it into a glass. サマー酒カクテル その1日本酒+フルーツ 日本酒はお米からできていますが、その香りはワインのように色々なものに形容されます。中でも日本酒独特の‘吟醸香’はリンゴやバナナといったフルーツにたとえられますが、その香味成分はフルーツにも含まれている「カプロン酸エチル」や「酢酸イソアミル」である為、フルーツと日本酒の相性が良いのは当然といえます。お酒に含まれるオリゴ糖は体調を整え、またフルーツに含まれる酵素は消化を助け、ビタミンの補給にもなりますので、暑い夏にぴったりです。 フローズンにごり 酒コラーダ お酒本来の麹の味わいを残したにごり酒を使って 清酒と呼ばれる無色透明なお酒は、発酵させた米(醪:もろみ)を酒袋などに入れて搾り、液体と酒粕に分けたものですが、醪独特の濃厚な味わいを出す為に、目が粗い酒袋やざるでわざわざ漉す事で白濁させたお酒を ‘にごり酒’’ と呼びます。にごり酒をココナッツミルクとラムの代わりに使い日本風ピナコラーダを作ります。 材料) にごり酒 100ml パイナップルジュース 25ml ココナッツ ウォーター 50ml パイナップル1/4カット (キューブ状にカットし冷凍する) 作り方) にごり酒は軽く振っておく(上澄みだけが入らないようにする)。全てをブレンダーに入れて回す。シャーベット状になったらグラスに飾る。 Sake used for this cocktail / カクテル使用酒 Kamoizumi Nigori Ginzyo 'Summer Snow' 賀茂泉 吟醸 にごり Brewery 蔵: Kamoizumi Brewing Company 賀茂泉酒造 Grade 製造種類: 吟醸酒 にごり Dry/Sweet 辛口・甘口: Cloudy Rice お米: Hiroshima Hattan, Nakase Shinsenbon Rice plolishing ratio 精米歩合: 58% SMV 日本酒度: +1 Yeast 酵母: Setouchi 21 Acidity 酸度: 1.6 Alcohol アルコール度: 17-18 % Sake Information → World Sake Import When, after a long dark winter here in the UK, summer finally makes an appearance, people like nothing better than to head to a park for a spot of sunbathing and picnic. Pack a lunch and a picnic blanket, and head to your favorite spot, this time with Sparkling Sake! Sparkling Sakes are relatively unknown in the West yet, have become increasingly popular in Japan over the last decade or so, especially amongst young people, and those not so used to drinking Sake. Sparkling sake is usually low in alcohol (5-8%). Compared to champagne, the bubbles are much softer and gentle which is why most of the sparkling sake comes in small bottles for quick consumption before the fizz fades away. Easy to drink and smooth-sipping, it is perfect accompaniment to a light lunch or those new to Sake. If you are tired with mundane Brut and willing to tickle your nose and taste buds with something new, why not try this refreshing Sparkling Sake ‘LACHAMTE’ A sweet light tipple with the flavor of juicy honeycore of green apple and a berry zing, has the subtle hue of light straw color that measures up nicely against a good champagne. This sparkling sake is made from a sticky rice called ‘Akita Komachi’ from its local area which is used for making Mochi (Rice cake). It has a settled Umami taste (delicious savory taste), as well as fruity and zesty desert wine-like characteristic such as Muscat d’asti which comes from the wine yeast used for fermentation. For my picnic, I packed a cheese called 'Stracciatella' from Acton (West London!) and made 'Dipping Style Caprese' with fruits tomato and basil on the spot. The freshness of this cheese is a great match with this lightly fizzy sake of low alcohol in volume. Also the lactic Umami of the cheese get enhanced by the Koji flavor of Sake and vise versa. Galia melon & prosciutto, and fresh strawberries match with this sake alike. Pairings with foods with fruity profile seem to work well too in bringing out the deliciousness of this sake. Enjoy your picnic with Sake ! *3 ways of making Sparkling Sake. These are as follows: 1. Bottle fermentation: This is similar to champagne making. Yeast is added for fermentation and usually after rough filtration the second fermentation occur in the bottle. The sake made in this way tend to be cloudy with sake lees still left in the bottle. 2.Tank fermentation: Tank fermentation is keeping the CO2 that occur naturally inside the tank at low temperatures and high pressures. 3.Carbonation: This is the injection of CO2 like fizzy drinks LACHAMTE(ラシャンテ) · Brewery 蔵: Suzuki Shuzo 鈴木酒造 · Region 生産県: Akita Prefecture 秋田県 · Dry/Sweet 辛口・甘口: sweet, refreshing · Rice お米: Akita-komachi · Rice polishing rate 精米歩合: 65% · SMV value 日本酒度: -70 · Acidity 酸味: 6.7 · Alcoholアルコール度: 8% · Recommended Temperature お勧めの温度: 7-12℃ · Occasion 食前 食中 食後: Aperitif, or with dessert Sake available from here → Sam Sake Stracciatella available here → La Latteria スパークリング酒でピクニック!長くて暗い冬が終わり、初夏を感じさせる晴れた週末、
ここロンドンでは緑生い茂る公園で日光浴を楽しむ人々で賑わいます。 ピクニックブランケットとランチBoxを持って、お気に入りのスポットへ! 本日はピクニックにぴったりの発泡酒のご紹介です。 スパークリングの日本酒は、アルコール度が6-8度と低く、 日本ではここ10年ほどで女性やお酒にそれ程馴染みのない若年層を中心に大変な人気だそうで, 新世代の日本酒離れに貢献しているといわれています。 シャンパンのような瓶内二次発酵式、タンク内発酵、炭酸ガス注入方の3種類の製造方があり、 シャンパンなどに比べて発泡がマイルドで微炭酸の飲みやすさが特徴です。 繊細な泡が消えてしまう前に楽しめるよう、小瓶で売られている事が多く、 アルコールがそれほど飲めない方や、ランチにもお勧めです。 秋田県、鈴木酒造の LACHANTE(ラシャンテ)はワイン酵母を使用し、 もち米用の高品質米‘あきたこまち’を特殊タンクで醗酵し醸された逸品です。 お米の旨みがありながらも、しっかりした酸味があり、 ベリーや青リンゴの蜜のようなフルーティーな 味わいが調和し、 綿飴のように口の中で広がっては余韻が続きます。 イタリア北西部ピエモンテ州アスティ地方で生産されるスパークリングデザートワイン、 Moscato d'Asti(モスカート ダスティー)を想起させる味わいです。 Stracciatella (ストラチアテッラ)とフルーツトマトのカプレーゼ風、ガリアメロンと生ハム、旬の苺をあわせてみました。 ストラチアテッラはモッツアレラとクリームを混ぜて作られる、フレッシュチーズ(熟成させないタイプ)です。 南イタリアのプーリア地方が原産ですが、こちらは、友人が連れて行ってくれたチーズフェアで出会った ロンドン南西地区アクトン産 、La Latteria (ラ・ラテリア) のストラチアテッラ をディッピング風カプレーゼにアレンジしました。 アルコール度が低く,味わいも爽やかなスパークリング日本酒とフレッシュなチーズは軽い者同士でバランスも良く、 一緒に食すとチーズのミルキーさが増し、甘みを感じ、デザート感覚で楽しめます。 また、チーズに含まれる旨味と酒の麹の風味が絶妙にマッチして、美味しく頂けます。 フルーツを使った前菜とも相性がよく、シャンパンのように、苺を浮かべてみるのも風味がマッチしますのでお勧めです。 Enjoy your picnic with Sake ! Sake & Marmite It might sound strange to you, but it works. Both of these are fermented products and packed with Umami. The synergy effect obtained by combining the two different types of Umami increases the deliciousness of the product on both ends. Hardly anyone in Japan knows what Marmite is, let alone how miraculously this international marriage originating from different corners of the world work well with each other. Marmite is a yeast extract and a by-product of beer brewing. It is commonly believed that you either love it or hate it, because of its strong yeasty flavour. In the UK and the Commonwealth countries, the most popular way to enjoy Marmite is to spread it thinly over toast together with butter. I would say its role is similar to the Japanese Natto, which is a rather sticky and strong-smelling fermented soya beans that the Japanese consume along with the staple diet of rice. Once you develop a taste for the potent flavour of Natto, it can become quite addictive. Marmite is best paired with equally strong type of Sakes. Today I chose Sanzen Tokubetsu Junmai Omachi (Kikuchi Brewery) which is made with Omachi rice from Okayama prefecture, the origin of this ever so popular Omachi Rice, makes full bodied, rich and Umami-laden type of Sake. This sake has been matured listening to Mozarts. It has a settled aroma of cereals and a brown rice syrup like sweet scent. The natural sweetness of rice accentuates and makes a great contrast with the saltiness of Marmite. Additionally, Marmite also enhances the flavour of Sake and you just can't stop sipping it. I recommend warming up the Sake to body temperature. This will help you enjoy every sip of the drink at a different temperature until the Sake reaches the room temperature which is called 'Kanzamashi' with a slightly more concentrated flavour. As the flavours of the Sake open up, it becomes somewhat more potent when warmed up and instead of getting overpowered by the Marmite, this Sake shines. マーマイトと雄町(おまち)米 純米酒一見意外なように思われますが、マーマイトと日本酒の相性は大変よく、
それはあたかも生まれも育ちも違う男女の幸せな国際結婚のようであります。 両者供に、発酵食品であり、旨み成分が沢山含まれており、 違った旨みを併せると旨みが増す旨味の相乗効果をもってして 実は、抜群の相性であると言えます。 マーマイトはビールを作る過程で生まれる副産物で、ビールの搾りかす、言ってみれば、ビールの酒粕です。 塩気が強く、粘り気があり、またその独特な酵母の味わいと香りから、 ’Love it or hate it’ ("大好きか大嫌いか") というのがマーケティングのキャッチフレーズで、敬遠する人もいますが、 好きになると病み付きになる味と言われています。 英国やそののかつての植民地であったコモンウェルスの国々では トーストやビスケットに薄くバターと塗って食すのが、一般的な食べ方だそうですので、 日本の納豆と同じような立ち居地かもしれません。 お酒も同様に味わいの強い物を選びます。 本日はご縁のあった、岡山県倉敷市の菊池酒造さんの 燦然 特別純米 雄町米 をぬる燗で。 雄町米は岡山県が原産で、お米の旨味がしっかりした味わいの酒になると言われています。 シリアルのような落ち着いた穀物と、黒蜜のような甘い香りがあり、米の旨みがあるのにキレがいい、純米酒の優等生のような上品なお酒です。 蔵人がお酒においしくなって欲しいという願いをこめて、モーツアルトをかけて醸したと聞きます。 自然な米の甘みが、マーマイトの塩気を和らげてくれると同時に、 マーマイトの旨味がお酒の味を持ち上げますので、抜群の相性です。 また、お酒は温める事で味わいが強くなるので、 人肌に一度温めてから、常温までの燗冷ましをそれぞれの温度で楽しむのがお勧めです。 しっかりとしたコシの強い作りが、温めてもバランスがくずれず、 マーマイトの濃厚な味にも負けず劣らずで、お酒がどんどん進みます。 At first glance, this may seem surprising, but Marmite and sake go together very well. It is like a happy international marriage between a man and a woman born and raised in different countries. Both are fermented foods and contain many umami ingredients. The combination of different umami ingredients has a synergistic effect of increasing umami flavor. In fact, it can be said that they are an excellent match. Marmite is a by-product of the beer making process and is the lees of beer, or sake lees. It is salty and sticky, and its unique yeasty taste and aroma have earned it the name 'Love it or hate it" is the marketing tagline for the product. and some people shy away from it, but once you love it, it becomes addictive. In the United Kingdom and its former colonies in the Commonwealth, it is said that the common way to eat natto is to spread it on toast or cookies with a thin layer of butter. It may be regarded as same as the natto in Japan. Sake is also a strong flavorful drink. Today, we had a chance to taste a sake from the Kikuchi Shuzo brewery in Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture. We had a chance to try Sanzen Special Junmai Omachi Rice from Kikuchi Shuzo in Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture, and warmed it up. Omachi rice is originally from Okayama Prefecture and is said to produce a sake with a strong rice flavor. It has a cereal-like calm grain and a sweet aroma like molasses. It is an elegant sake with the flavor of rice but with a nice sharpness, an excellent example of Junmai sake. We are told that the brewer brewed this sake with a Mozart over it in the hope that the sake would taste good. The natural sweetness of the rice softens the salty aspect of the marmite, while at the same time and at the same time, the flavor of the marmite lifts the taste of the sake, making it an excellent match. In addition, the flavor of sake becomes stronger when it is warmed. It is recommended to warm sake to human skin once and then enjoy it heated to room temperature at different temperatures. The strong and firm structure of the sake does not lose its balance even when warmed, and the rich flavor of marmite is a perfect match for the sake. It's time to ditch the diet and pamper your stomach with Sake Kasu Pancake ! Traditionally, pancakes were eaten on this ShroveTuesday to use up rich, indulgent foods like butter, eggs and milk before the 46 days prior to the fasting season of Lent began. In Christian belief, warm, round pancakes is symbolising the sun, hence to eat pancake was a way of celebrating the arrival of spring. This year, Pancake Day is taking place on Tuesday 28th February as this moveable feast is determined by Easter. I would like to introduce very tasteful and nutritious Japanese pancake made with Sake Kasu. I recommend to enjoy this Sake Kasu pancake with butter and honey as the combination of Sake Kasu and butter is so good. 酒粕パンケーキの日!キリストの復活を祝うイースター前には断食の季節とされるレントがあります。レントから数えて46日前には、冷蔵庫の中のバターや卵、牛乳等のリッチな食材を使いきってしまう為に、パンケーキを食べる習慣があり’Shrove Tuesday' またの名を’Pancake Tuesday ’と呼ばれています。温かくて丸い形のパンケーキを太陽にみたて、それを食べることは春の訪れを祝う事でもあるそうですが、2017年のパンケーキデーは2月28日。それに因んで、本日は#酒粕入りのパンケーキをご紹介します。イギリスのパンケーキは、伝統的には薄いクレープ生地のようなものですが、酒粕を入れる事で、ふっくらともちもちとした触感になります。酒粕はバターとの相性がよいので温かいうちに、バター(有塩) と蜂蜜をかけて食べるのがオススメです。 Ingridient
Serves: 2 (6 pancakes /パンケーキ6枚分)
Method (English) Prep: 10min › Cook: 10 min › Ready in: 20 min
作り方 (日本語) 準備:10分 › 調理:10分 › 出来上がり:20分
Amazake- a Japanese traditional sweet drink made with fermented rice. Its origin dates back to Kofun Period (around 250 to 538 AD). It is also mentioned in the Chronicle of Japan, the second oldest book in Japan as 'Ama no tamu zake' which was chewed by a young virgin of the village, fermented with wild yeast and dedicated to the god. The one made with Kome ko-ji (Fermented rice with Koji mold) turn out to be non-alcohol, and the one made with Sake Kasu- the lee left over from sake production contain very low alcohol. As the Sake kasu is packed with lot of nutritious goodies, such as amino acid, protein, and various vitamins, Amazake is nicknamed as ' Orally taken drip' which in fact has very similar portion of nutrition to the actual medical drip. In summer, it prevents summer lethargy, and in winter it warms you up instantly and longer time. I would like to introduce this very simple Amazake recipe, integrating Sake Kasu into your modern daily life. 甘酒とは発酵したお米から作られる伝統的な日本の甘味飲料で、 その歴史は古墳時代までさかのぼります。 日本で2番目に古いと言われる日本書記の中には ’天甜酒’(あまのたむさけ)と呼ばれる 村の女子に蒸し米を噛ませ口から出したものを、野生酵母で発酵させた ’口噛みの酒’を神に捧げたという叙述があり、その歴史の深さが伺い知れます。 酒粕から作ったアルコール入りのものと、米麹から作ったノンアルコールがあり、 どちらもお米の自然な甘みが味わえます。 酒粕は日本酒を作る過程での副産物であり、お酒を絞った際の搾りかすですが、 大変栄養価が高く、アミノ酸、タンパク質、葉酸、食物繊維、各種ビタミンの宝庫で、 ブドウ糖が大量に含まれており、実際の点滴に大変よく似た成分である事から ’飲む点滴’と言われています。 よって、夏には夏ばて解消効果があり、冬には体を持続的にかつ急速に温める効果があります。 本日は、酒粕で作ったホット甘酒ミルクのレシピをご紹介致します。 Ingridient
Serves: 1
Method (English) Prep: 0min › Cook: 5 min › Ready in: 5min
作り方 (日本語) 準備:0分 › 調理:5分 › 出来上がり:5分
Not many people in the west know about what the Sake-kasu (sake lee) is, which is a by-product left over from sake production. Sake-kasu is nutritiously well-balanced and packed with lots of goodies such as amino acid, folic acid, protein and vitamin B1, B2 and B6. Especially the sake lee just being pressed is full of them since microorganism are still alive. Sake Kasu is easily found during the winter time as it is the height of the brewing season. If it's pressed in a traditional wooden pressing machine called 'Fune' , the sake lee tend to come out very chunky formless bits as the fermented rice is placed in cotton canvas bags and pressed. → Let's find out modern way recipes utilizing sake kasu 酒粕の効用日本酒を作る過程で生まれる酒粕ですが、西洋ではまだあまり知られていませんが、 栄養価が大変高く、アミノ酸、葉酸、タンパク質、食物繊維、ビタミン(B1,B2, B6)が 大変豊富な事で知られています。 特にお酒を搾った直後の酒粕には発酵微生物である酵母菌や麹菌が生きている為 その栄養価は非常に高いとされています。 冬はお酒を搾るシーズンなので、酒粕が市場に出回る季節です。 '漕'(ふね)と呼ばれる伝統的な木製の搾り機でもろみを酒とかすに分類すると コットン製のキャンバス生地などにもろみを入れ、圧搾して搾るため ゴロゴロした、酒粕の塊が出来上がります。 →酒粕を使ったレシピはこちら 科学技術庁編「五訂 日本食品標準成分表」より
Binbo Tokkuri
A porcelain take-away carrier of Tanaka Liqueur Shop of late Meiji period (October 23, 1868 - July 30, 1912) which I found at an antique shop in Kyoto. This type of pot was well used from late Edo period (1603 and 1868) until the beginning of the Showa period (December 25, 1926, through January 7, 1989) which was rented out by the liquor shop for ordinary people who can only buy small quantity of Sake. Hence it's name Binbo (poor) Tokkuri (Sake vessel) was born. Because of the name of the liqueur shop written on it, sincere customers felt somehow obliged to go back to the same liqueur shop. It must have been an effective marketing technique for conscientiously dutiful people with traditional moral obligation and sentiment. Some shops started writing their telephone numbers in the Showa period as well as the brand's name of Sake. So it was a good advertisement for the liquor shop when people bring it on the way to the shop. This was used to take-away Soy sauce which was then sold at the liquor shop too. 貧乏徳利(びんぼうとっくり) 京都のアンティークショップで見つけた、明治時代後期のお酒のテークアウト用陶器です。(田中酒店) 江戸時代から昭和初期ぐらいまで流通していたそうで、 少量のお酒しか買う事の出来なかった一般市民に貸し出された為 そこから貧乏徳利の名前がついたそうです。 酒店の名前が入っている為、義理堅いお客様は他のお店でお酒を買う事を躊躇し 足しげくなじみの店でお酒を買うに至ったとか。 義理人情を大切にする昔の庶民には効果的なマーケティングだったのでしょう。 屋号やお酒の銘柄、電話番号の入ったものなどもあり お店に持っていく道中での宣伝効果にもなっていたようです。 当時は酒屋で売られていた、醤油のお持ち帰りにも使われていたとの事。 In my last post, I talked about Nigori and chocolate, however, there are many other types of sakes which make a superb companion to chocolate. Let's have a look at what other types of sakes can make a good pairing with chocolate.
1. Kijo-shu (貴醸酒) Kijoshu is a type of sweet sake with its history dating back to Heian era (794-1185) which is made by adding finished sake (instead of water) during the brewing process. The fermentation is brought to a halt by adding sake while the saccharification process keep making sugar(glucose), hence the Kijo-shu turn out to be sweet.
2. Koshu (古酒)-Aged sake
3. Junmai Daiginjo (純米大吟醸) At least 50% of rice grain has been polished away with Junmai Daiginjo. With elegant aroma and fruity character, it create a good match with chocolate with fruit-flavoured.
4. Sparkling (発泡酒) Sparling sake is the hottest trend of sake world for its drinkable light taste especially among the sake novice. The style varies from carbonated one to bottle-fermented cloudy one with yeasty punch.
5. Nigori (にごり酒) - Cloudy Sake
Eating eggs on Easter is an old Western tradition, as a potent symbol of life, the egg was adopted by early Christians to symbolise the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The modern tradition of eating chocolate eggs at Easter originated in Europe during the early-19th century and is a fun, kid-friendly twist on this ancient religious ritual. Today, I would like to introduce a funky way to cerebrate Easter with Nigori sake as it makes a heavenly partner with chocolate ! Nigori is commonly referred to as an "unfiltered" sake. Nigori literally means "cloudy" and refers to those sakes which still contain rice solids and Koji that have not yet fermented. The sediments are deliberately not filtered to enjoy its thick milky texture and full flavour. Usually Nigori tastes sweeter than normal clear sake and contains more yeast. The style of Nigori can range from lightly cloudy "Usunigori" to sparkling 'Kassei Nigori' in which secondary fermentation in the bottle is occurring, this is different to many Nigori which are pasteurized to stop yeast and enzyme activity. Tips to enjoy Nigori
ヨーロッパではイースターと呼ばれるキリストの復活祭に卵の形をしたチョコレートを食べるのが習わしとなっています。 卵とは生命のシンボルであり、キリストの復活を祝い卵を食べるという伝統を、19世紀のヨーロッパで子供達も楽しめるようチョコレートに変えたというのが始まりとの事です。 本日はイースターに食されているチョコレートとにごり酒のとてもユニークなマッチングのご紹介です。 にごり酒とは日本語の文字通り、濁っているお酒の事で、お米のクリーミーな舌触りと甘い味わいを楽しむ為に、 わざわざ発酵を終えていない“もろみ”をまったく漉さないか、もしくは粗めの布で軽く漉すだけにしたものです。 ’うすにごり’と呼ばれる軽い味わいのものから’活性にごり’と呼ばれる発泡性のものまであり、 発酵が十分に行われたと思われた時点で加熱殺菌を行い、酵母菌の活動を抑え雑菌の繁殖を抑える火入れをしたものと、 この加熱殺菌を意図的に行わずに酵母菌がまだ瓶内で発行を繰り返している’活性にごり’と呼ばれるタイプのものがあります。 にごり酒の楽しみ方のヒント
イースターはようやく長い冬から抜け出し、暖かい春の訪れの象徴でもあります。 寒い日がまだまだ続くようですが、皆様どうぞご自愛下さいますよう! |
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March 2022